Thursday, July 11, 2024

مفهوم صناعة المكان


مفهوم صناعة المكان

هو تصميم حضري يهدف إلى تحويل الفراغ العمراني إلى فراغ أكثر حيوية ينبض بالحياة
ويساهم في تطويره السكان المحليين
بحيث يمكن لشوارع المدينة أن تحتضن الفعاليات والاحتفالات الموسمية
لتعزيز التفاعل الاجتماعي ضمن الفراغات العامة في المدينة.

صناعة المكان تشمل جميع التخصصات العمرانية وهي من صميم دور التصميم الحضري


Sunday, July 7, 2024

بشرة خير باللغة العبرية

العرب والعروبة والعربية تتميز في كل شئ ..
أو لم: --- "عربياً لقوم يعلمون ....."
هنيئا.ً لمن أدرك أسرار الضاد .....!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Role of AOR


Architect of record (AOR) is the  Architect or the Architecture Firm whose name appears on a Building Permit issued for a specific project on which that architect or firm performed services

Role of AOR is usually in one of three Roles:

  1. AOR will process the applications, submission and negotiations with Authorities to grant and obtain the formal approval. While documents will be developed and produced by (Others), who will carry full legal responsibilities against their calculations and designs. Yet, only applicable if the (Others) are NOT fully registered and recognizable in the place of subject processing. These (Others) are mostly abroad architects or Design Studios with limited or minor legal liabilities.


  1. AOR will process the applications, submission and negotiations with Authorities to grant and obtain the formal approval. While documents will be developed and produced by (Others), who usually are NOT registered or recognizable at the place of the subject processing. Therefore, the AOR will carry full legal responsibilities against their calculations and designs.


  1. AOR will develop and produce, calculations and designs, based on (pre-concept) developed by (Others), with full legal responsibilities. This will include review, adaption or revision of documents as convenient to meet standards. Then, AOR will process applications, submission and negotiations with Authorities to grant and obtain the formal approval.

حديقة شازدة


حديقة شازدة الأسطورية في ماهان، محافظة كرمان، إيران.

اسمها يعني "حديقة الأمير" وهو مثال رائع على كيفية استفادة الحدائق الفارسية من أفضل ظروف المكان ومناخه.

مساحة الحديقة 5.5 هكتار مع بناء مستطيل الشكل لها أبعاد 400 متر طول وعرض 120 متر محاطة بجدار يفصلها عن الصحراء. حديقة شازدة هي واحدة من 9 حدائق فارسية مسجلة على قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي.

تنقسم الحدائق الفارسية إلى أربعة قطاعات ولطالما لعبت إدارة المياه دوراً هاماً في تصميمها.

بنيت هذه الحدائق لترمز إلى عدن (الجنة) والعناصر الزرادشتية الأربعة من السماء والأرض والماء والنباتات. بفضل نظام التحكم الذكي في المياه، تتمتع الحديقة بدرجة حرارة معتدلة على مدار العام. يتم السيطرة على الثلج الذائب من الجبال المجاورة باستخدام القناط ويتدفق من الجزء العلوي من الحديقة حيث يقع الجناح الرئيسي، ويذهب طول الطريق إلى مدخل الحديقة وفي النهاية إلى مدينة ماهان. تدفق المياه في الحديقة وحتى النوافير الأصلية يعتمد تمامًا على الجاذبية للعمل.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Architect or RFP Failure..?


Work by Alejandro Aravena Architect. 2016 Pritzker Award winner.
Progressive Housing, meets its initial goal.

I agree with Professor Pedro B. Ortize that Pritzker jury members are quite brainless. They just follow fashions. Here is the proof and it's... consequences.

A Capacity Crunch

The HQ mandate has stimulated increased demand for office spaces and residential units, leading to numerous projects in both the private and public sectors. Image: Shutterstock

Saudi real estate faces ‘capacity crunch’ as megaprojects strain resources, deepen years-long Riyadh housing shortage, experts say

The ambitious vision transforming Saudi Arabia’s capital into a global metropolis is facing an unexpected hurdle: its own success

As Riyadh races to complete a slate of mega- and giga-projects aimed at diversifying Saudi Arabia’s economy, the capital city’s construction boom is creating a major “capacity crunch” that is driving up costs and potentially exacerbating the housing shortage, industry experts told Arabian Business.

Riyadh’s high construction costs can be primarily attributed to the construction industry’s output which is supported by the government’s focus on the ambitious development of major mixed-use cities [giga and mega-projects] in a bid to diversify its economy from oil as part of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 initiatives,” said Dean Furey, head of real estate for Saudi Arabia at Turner & Townsend.

According to a recent report published by the firm in mid-June, Riyadh now ranks as the Middle East’s most expensive city to build in, with construction costs averaging $2,593 per square metre – significantly higher than other regional players like Dubai ($1,874) and Abu Dhabi ($1,844).

This surge in costs is not merely a number on a spreadsheet; it’s having real-world impacts on the Saudi capital’s development trajectory.

“As a result of resources being diverted to these large-scale developments, there is a possibility of affordable housing projects becoming less feasible,” Furey revealed, highlighting a growing concern in a city already grappling with housing shortages and a population which is only expected to grow as more job opportunities open up as a result of the HQ mandate.

The root of the problem lies in the sheer scale and ambition of Saudi Arabia’s development plans. Projects like NEOM, The Line, and the Diriyah Gate development are not just reshaping the physical landscape of the Kingdom, they’re redrawing the map of resource allocation within the construction industry, according to the Turner & Townsend report.

“While these major projects bring long-term benefits, they also place strain on the local construction industry, materials, plant, and labour, which contribute to inflated costs and more limited resources,” Furey explained.

This strain is particularly acute when it comes to skilled labor, with the Kingdom facing a distinct shortage of the specialised workforce needed to deliver its most ambitious programs.

Megaprojects like NEOM, The Line, and the Diriyah Gate development are not just reshaping the physical landscape of the Kingdom, they’re redrawing the map of resource allocation within the construction industry

Saudi’s Regional HQ mandate puts strain on real estate demand

Adding to the complexity is the Saudi government’s recent headquarters (HQ) mandate, requiring international companies to establish regional headquarters in the Kingdom to be eligible for government contracts.

While designed to boost Riyadh’s status as a business hub, this policy is further intensifying demand for both commercial and residential real estate in the capital.

Imad Damrah, Managing Director for Saudi Arabia at Colliers, highlighted the ripple effects of this policy.

“The HQ mandate has stimulated increased demand for office spaces and residential units, leading to numerous projects in both the private and public sectors,” Damrah told Arabian Business.

This influx is reshaping Riyadh’s real estate landscape, with developers scrambling to meet the needs of incoming businesses and their employees.

However, the market is not standing still in the face of these challenges. Damrah noted an evolution in housing supply that could help alleviate some pressure. Supply is reportedly shifting towards smaller units such as apartments and townhouses, which he believes is helping developers “keep prices reasonable.”

This trend could provide some relief, particularly for young professionals and small families who have been priced out of larger properties.

The Saudi government has also taken proactive steps to address the years-long housing crunch.

“Several initiatives by the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and Housing (MOMRAH) in the northern parts of the city are also exploring different construction methods and regulations to balance affordability with quality development,” Damrah added.

The Saudi government has taken proactive steps to address the years-long housing crunch. Image: Shutterstock
The Saudi government has taken proactive steps to address the years-long housing crunch. Image: Shutterstock

As Riyadh continues its ambitious journey toward becoming a regional hub, the challenge of balancing mega-project development with affordable housing needs remains at the forefront. The coming years will test the city’s ability to innovate, adapt, and grow sustainably.

For now, as construction costs remain stubbornly high – with inflation forecasted at 5 percent through 2024 – the dream of affordable housing in Saudi Arabia’s capital remains elusive for many.

To address the challenges in the housing sector specifically, Furey suggested enforcing local content mandates that would, in turn, create capacity in the local market, increase capability and expand affordable housing programmes all while streamlining regulations.

He also said that “implementing innovative building techniques and investing in local resources and vocational training” could help reduce costs and increase the pool of skilled workers in the long run.

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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

أدوات وقواعد إدارية

 أدوات وقواعد إدارية يمكنك استخدامها في أي مجال ،وليس فقط في إدارة المشاريع.

الاجتماع اليومي وقوفاً:
اجتماع مع فريق العمل، يجيب كل شخص فيه على ثلاثة أسئلة:
1- ماذا أنجزت أمس؟
2- ما الذي تريد أن تنجزه اليوم؟
3-ماهي المعوقات التي تعترض طريقك؟
لا يتجاوز ربع ساعة

غرفة العمليات War room:
تجميع الفريق في غرفة مشتركة حيث يتم تبادل المعلومات بسرعة والتنسيق لحل القضايا المستعجلة. يتم الاستعانة بلوحات معلومات كبيرة وأدوات قياس الأداء

الإدارة بالتجوال Management By Wandering Around:
اترك مكتبك وانزل إلى مكان العمل وتنقل بين الموظفين.استمع إليهم وماهي التحديات التي تواجههم واعطهم تعليقاتك وملاحظاتك وتحسيناتك

الإدارة بالأهداف Management By Objectives:
حدد أهدافاً للفريق قابلة للتحقيق في مدة محددة. عند انقضاء المدة، إذا حقق الفريق الأهداف ارفع السقف، إذا لم يحققها راجع الأسباب وعدّل

القيادة بالخدمة:
حدد لفريقك الهدف المطلوب ثم دعه ينظم نفسه بنفسه ويوزع مهامه بالطريقة التي يراها مناسبة، ثم أمن لهم كل ما يحتاجونه من موارد ودعم إرشاد وأزل أي عوائق قد تعترض طريقهم. شجعهم على الابتكار عن طريق خلق بيئة آمنة للتجربة والخطأ

لوح الكانبان:
قم بتمثيل مهام العمل بشكل بصري على لوح الكانبان. حدد أين تتراكم المهام وتخلص من عنق الزجاجة لتسريع العمل

الإدارة بالأهداف والنتائج الرئيسية OKRs:
ضع ثلاثة أهداف ضمن وقت محدد لفريقك لتحقيقها. اربط كل هدف بنتيجتين رئيسيتين أو ثلاث على الأكثر ثم تابع التنفيذ.عند الانتهاء عدّل وتابع كما هو مناسب

نظرية التخفيف Lean:
خفف واختصر الهدر الذي يوجد في بيئة العمل عن طريق التخلص من مصادر الهدر السبعة حسب نظرية التخفيف وأهمها العمل قيد الإنجاز WIP

حلقة ديمنغ في التحسين المستمر:
حسّن أي عمل أو عملية أو خمة لديك عن طريق تطبيق حلقة ديمنغ من أربع خطوات: خطط-نفذ-تحقق-صحح

قاعدة باريتو أو 80/20:
قلة من الأخطاء التي نرتكبها مسؤولة عن 80معظم المشاكل التي نعاني منها. تخلص من ال 20% بوقت قصير فيرتفع أدائك 80% في نفس الوقت

Faisal Mohamed

احفظ البوست وذاكر كل نقطه لو انت في منصب اداري 

History of Whistleblowing


The History of Whistleblowing

Whistleblowing, the act of exposing illicit activities within an organization, has a long and storied history. It involves individuals who risk their careers, and sometimes their personal safety, to bring attention to wrongdoing. This article explores the evolution of whistleblowing, its notable cases, and the legal frameworks that have developed to protect whistleblowers.

Early Instances of Whistleblowing

Ancient Rome

The concept of whistleblowing dates back to Ancient Rome. The Lex Papia Poppaea, enacted in 9 AD, encouraged citizens to report corruption and fraud within the government. Whistleblowers, known as "delators," were often rewarded with a portion of the penalties imposed on the wrongdoers .

The Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church played a significant role in encouraging whistleblowing. The church's canon law required members to report any immoral behavior, especially among the clergy. The church provided mechanisms to protect the anonymity of informants to prevent retaliation .

Whistleblowing in Modern History

The United States

The False Claims Act (1863)

One of the earliest examples of modern whistleblowing legislation is the United States' False Claims Act, enacted during the Civil War in 1863. This act, also known as the "Lincoln Law," was designed to combat fraud by suppliers to the Union Army. It allowed private individuals to sue on behalf of the government and receive a portion of any recovered damages, thereby incentivizing whistleblowing .

Pentagon Papers (1971)

A landmark case in American history is that of Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971. These documents revealed that the U.S. government had systematically lied about the Vietnam War's progress. Ellsberg's actions sparked a nationwide debate on government transparency and the public's right to know, leading to increased protections for whistleblowers .

Watergate Scandal (1972-1974)

Another pivotal moment was the Watergate scandal, where "Deep Throat," later revealed to be FBI Associate Director Mark Felt, provided crucial information to journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. This information led to President Richard Nixon's resignation and underscored the vital role whistleblowers play in maintaining governmental integrity .

United Kingdom

The Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998)

In the UK, the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) of 1998 marked a significant development. The act provides legal protection for employees who expose wrongdoing within their organizations, including criminal offenses, environmental damage, and health and safety violations. PIDA aimed to create a culture of openness and accountability within workplaces .

Global Perspective

International Organizations

International bodies such as the United Nations and the European Union have also recognized the importance of whistleblowing. The UN Convention Against Corruption, adopted in 2003, encourages member states to establish protections for whistleblowers to combat corruption more effectively. Similarly, the EU's Whistleblower Protection Directive, adopted in 2019, sets minimum standards for whistleblower protections across member states .

Corporate Whistleblowing

In the corporate world, whistleblowing has become an essential mechanism for ensuring ethical conduct. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the United States, enacted in response to financial scandals such as Enron and WorldCom, includes provisions to protect whistleblowers who report financial misconduct. This act has been instrumental in promoting transparency and accountability in corporate governance .

From uncovering governmental, military, and police corruption to publicizing safety issues at nuclear power plants,  countless whistleblowers have risked their livelihoods, and sometimes their lives, to alert the public to dangerous secrets. 

Read on to find out how famous whistleblowers have changed U.S. law and society with their brave and often controversial actions.

What is a whistleblower?

A whistleblower is an employee of an organization who reports abuse, fraud, corruption, and/or dangers to public health and safety. Whistleblowers often turn to public reporting after attempts to report internally fail.

While the term “whistleblower” did not come into common usage until the 1970s, insiders have been reporting abuse as long as humans have had organizations and governments. 

The First American Whistleblowers

The first American whistleblowers emerged in concert with our nation’s founding: in 1777, when a group of ten naval officers alerted the Continental Congress to abuses by Commodore Esek Hopkins, including torture of British POWs during the Revolutionary War.

When the Continental Congress dismissed Commodore Hopkins, he retaliated with a libel suit; two of the whistleblowers, Midshipman Samuel Shaw and First Lieutenant Richard Marven, were jailed. Shaw and Marven appealed to the Continental Congress for help, who, as a result, enacted the world’s first whistleblower protection law on July 30, 1777. 

From the earliest moments in U.S. history, attorneys have also played a key role in shaping whistleblower laws. Attorneys defending whistleblowers from retaliation have advanced case law throughout U.S. history, including several Supreme Court cases which extended whistleblower protections to private industries that affect public health, safety, and security.

While protections for whistleblowers have waxed and waned throughout U.S. history, their effect on society has been profound. The actions of the ten whistleblowers below – and hundreds more that we can’t fit on this list – have led to major cultural and political shifts, new safety regulations in dangerous industries, and increased awareness of the role of policing, intelligence, and surveillance in society.

Most Famous Whistleblowers in U.S. History

10. Mark Whitacre

In 1992 the corporate vice president of Archer Daniel Midland visited the FBI with some potentially damaging information about the company. Mark Whitacre – the subject of the 2009 film The Informant! – soon teamed up with the FBI for a three-year undercover operation to expose the company’s price fixing scheme. While Whitacre may have been given immunity from actions during his time at the company, he was certainly accountable for the $9 million he embezzled during his 3 years undercover. In the end, Whitacre was sentenced to 9 years in federal prison for those actions, while the longest sentence given to an ADM employee – for the crimes Whitacre brought attention to – was 30 months. Both citizens and government officials have sought a Presidential pardon for Whitacre for nearly two decades.

9. Vera English 

While working as a lab technician at a nuclear facility operated by General Electric in 1984, Vera English was alarmed by the frequency of radioactive spillages. English contacted both her supervisor and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about her concerns, but nothing was done and English was fired shortly after. After a long legal battle, her Supreme Court case, English v. General Electric Company, set a precedent that allowed whistleblowers to pursue cases under state law. English’s landmark victory also set precedent for the use of whistleblower protection laws in other nuclear energy cases, and demonstrated how existing whistleblower laws can be used to protect against corporate retaliation.