Thursday, August 19, 2021

مدفن آل طباطبا

النقاش مستمر حول مدفن آل طباطبا ، صلى الله عليهم وسلم..
لا توجد تقنيات متداولة لتفكيك منشاءات الطوب واللبن ، وإذا تم ابتكارها سوف تكون كلفتها خيالية ، ولذا فان القول بأن الأثر قد تم تفكيكه لاعادة انشاؤه ، هو تفريغ الأثر من القيمة الآثارية والمغزى الحضري ، وتحويله الى مجرد أكوام من الطوب يمكن بناء أي شئ بها ..!

The debate continues over the burial of Al Tabataba, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them.. There are no current techniques for dismantling brick and brick structures, and if they are invented, their cost will be astronomical, so to say that the monument has been dismantled to be recreated, is to empty the monument from the archaeological value and urban significance, and turn it into mere piles of bricks with which anything can be built.. !

شُرفت مصر بآل طباطبا أحفاد سيدنا الحسن كباقي آل البيت في كل زمان ، حيث أحبوا مصر واستقروا بها وأوصوا بالبقاء فيها بعد الرحيل

وهم نسل أبو إسحاق ” إبراهيم طباطبا بن إسماعيل الديباج بن إبراهيم الغمر بن الحسن المثنى بن الحسن السبط بن على بن أبي طالب ” رضي الله عنهم ، زوج السيدة فاطمة الزهراء رضي الله عنها بنت رسول الله سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وأمه هي السيدة محسنة بنت عمر الأشرف بن علي زين العابدين بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنهم

المشهد يضم ٢٥ قبرا .. وللأسف ذابت رفات أصحابها وكذا تفككت التراكيب الأثرية من العصر الإخشيدي بفعل المياه الجوفية ، حيث يوجد على الطرف الشرقس لبحيرة عين الصيرة
أنشأ المشهد "الأمير محمد بن طغج الإخشيد" مؤسس الدولة الإخشيدية في مصر والذي تولى الحكم بين أعوام (323هـ – 935م) إلى سنة (335هـ – 946م)

وقد كان يعد أثرا فريدا من نوعه.. ربما باعتباره أول قبة ضريحية مستقلة ، ويرجع تاريخ إنشاءه إلى القرن الرابع الهجري أو العاشر الميلادي ، وتعد تركيبات القبور وشواهدها الذائبة الأثر الوحيد المتبقي من الدولة الإخشيدية ويرجع تاريخه إلى سنة (334هـ – 945م)


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

حوار الحجر ...!


الصُّورَة لمأذن شَارِع الْمَعْز يَظْهَرُ فِي الْبِدَايَةِ مِئْذَنَةٌ وَقُبَّة مَدْرَسَة الْأَشْرَفِ بِرْسِبَايْ ثُمّ مِئْذَنَةٌ جَامِع الْمُطَهِّر ثُمّ مِئْذَنَةٌ الْمَنْصُور سَيْفِ الدِّينِ قَلَاوُون وَخَلْفَهَا مِئْذَنَةٌ مَدْرَسَة وخانقاة السُّلْطَانِ الظَّاهِرِ بَرْقُوق

أدين بالفضل لكوكبة من بنائي الحجر المصريين ، من تعلمت منهم أسرار النحت ، والتراكيب والبناء بالحجر المعلم حسن ، والريس فرغلي ، والريس ابراهيم وغيرهم ، عليهم رحمة الله تعالى
أحياءاً وأموات

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Grenfell Tower


On 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North KensingtonWest London, at 00:54 BST; 72 people perished, including those of two victims who later died in hospital. More than 70 others were injured and 223 people escaped. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster and the worst UK residential fire since World War II.

The fire was started by a malfunctioning fridge-freezer on the fourth floor.[note 1] It spread rapidly up the building's exterior, bringing fire and smoke to all the residential floors. This was due to the building's cladding, the external insulation and the air gap between which enabled the stack effect. The fire burned for about 60 hours before finally being extinguished. More than 250 London Fire Brigade firefighters and 70 fire engines were involved from stations across London in efforts to control the fire, and rescue residents. More than 100 London Ambulance Service crews on at least 20 ambulances attended, joined by specialist paramedics from the Ambulance Service's Hazardous Area Response Team. The Metropolitan Police and London's Air Ambulance also assisted the rescue effort.

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry began on 14 September 2017 to investigate the causes of the fire and other related issues. Findings from the first report of the inquiry were released in October 2019 and addressed the events of the night. It affirmed that the building's exterior did not comply with regulations and was the central reason why the fire spread, and that the fire service were too late in advising residents to evacuate. A second phase to investigate the broader causes began on the third anniversary in 2020.

The Refurbished Grenfell Tower

As of June 2020, the fire is currently being investigated by the police, a public inquiry, and coroner's inquests. Among the issues being investigated are the management of the building by the Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council and Kensington and Chelsea TMO (or KCTMO, which was responsible for the borough's council housing) and the responses of the Fire Brigade, the council and other government agencies. In the aftermath of the fire, the council's leader, deputy leader and chief executive resigned, and the council took direct control of council housing from the KCTMO. The national government commissioned an independent review of building regulations and fire safety, which published a report in May 2018. Across the UK and in some other countries, local governments have investigated other tower blocks to find those that have similar cladding. Efforts to replace the cladding on these buildings are ongoing.

For More:

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Heritage Management


It is the endeavor to manage both tangible and intangible assets of our human accumulated cultures and knowledge.. Cultural Preservation had founded and kept maintaining my wider and broader approaches to interact with projects, people and their cultures. Similarly, project management enables better preservation processes and earned values. That merge among architecture, project management and realty is maybe uncommon, but worth to be..!! I had been trained by a leading expert (Professor Lamie of the ICOMOS) on principles, methodologies and auditability of preservation activities. In addition to my field experience in both Egypt & UAE, I had claimed the ICOMOS membership in 1996; keeping close contact to international endeavors, applications and developments. My voluntarily-suspended thesis for MPhil/PhD had addressed the pros & cons related to the management of preserving immovable heritage; which enabled me to have a specific vision on how to insert good governance in the process; particularly in underdeveloped countries. My practiced technical management had already fueled my competences with tools for best practices and professional sustainability. As had worked with various international Partners and Clients, it is a hands-on-the-trade capacity to penetrate any frontiers, create workable environment, build sustainable knowledge based team, and apply conclusive KYC techniques to understand the Sponsors.


Wikipedia defines Cultural Heritage Management (CHM) as the vocation and practice of managing cultural heritage. It is a branch of cultural resources management (the legacy of physical and intangible attributes of the past of a group or society that are selected from the past, and inherited, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations) although it also draws on the practices of conservation, restoration, musicology (the study of how to organize and manage museums and museum collections), archaeology, history and architecture. While the term cultural heritage is generally used in Europe, in the USA the term cultural resources is in more general use specifically referring to cultural heritage resources. CHM has traditionally been concerned with the identification, interpretation, maintenance, and preservation of significant cultural sites and physical heritage assets, although intangible aspects of heritage, such as traditional skills, cultures and languages are also considered. The subject typically receives most attention, and resources, in the face of threat, where the focus is often upon rescue or salvage archaeology. Possible threats include urban development, large-scale agriculture, mining activity, looting, erosion or unsustainable visitor numbers. The public face of CHM, and a significant source of income to support continued management of heritage, is the interpretation and presentation to the public, where it is an important aspect of tourism. Communicating with government and the public is therefore a key competence.


ICOMOS shall be the international organization concerned with furthering the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and enhancement of monuments, groups of buildings and sites, on the international level.

In reference to the best practices as defined by ICOMOS; the successful activities of Heritage Management are defined by enforcing four parameters; which I had concluded during my years of practice:

  • Governing Laws and Legal system to protect exhibits, monuments and sites.
  • Authorized Operating Agency to plan, oversee and sustain the HM activities and operations.
  • Academic and/or professional support to interpret value and authenticity of cultural properties.
  • Public System to campaign, fund, support and communicate with the concerned parties and the public.

Hardly to find a cultural heritage item inscribed with unavailability of these parameters; which are not known for most of officials, professionals, and even academics.. This is why many countries had their heritage unrecognized by international community, yet effectively and actively contribute to their tourism industries..!! 


I shall never reward my Godfather Prof. Saleh Lamie, for the patience, support and knowledge he gave me.. It was amazing time working with him, when fetal issues are simplified into simple components.. This is the greatness of true Visionaries and Scientists, whom I always wished to join their court.. I had learned from him who to re-live the past.. the gone days; to feel, realize, and understand the conventional way of thinking.. This is the only way to answer the questions related of why, what and how. There is no preservation quest would be carried out without such answers; such knowledge.. This training had made me who I’m; as applied in every aspect of knowledge and management..


  1. Medina Revitalization (Tripoli), Ethraa Group, Dubai 2009
  2. Consultant, Restoration of Old Customs Office, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2001
  3. Contract Advisor, Restoration of Philatery Museum, Dubai, UAE 2000
  4. Advisor, Report on Development of UAE Heritage Club, Abu Dhabi, UAE 1999
  5. Proposal Manager, Restoration of Khatt Village, RAK, UAE 1999
  6. Contributor, Report on Development of HBS of Dubai Municipality, UAE 1999
  7. Designer, Al Shandagha Heritage Village, Dubai 1997
  8. Founder & Member, Committee of Architectural Heritage, Dubai 1997
  9. Proposal Manager, Dubai Conservation, Dubai 1997
  10. Proposal Manager, Al Bastakiya Conservation, Dubai 1996
  11. Proposal Manager, Al Ahmadiya Conservation, Dubai 1996
  12. Site Manager, Restoration of Al Fahidi Fort, Dubai 1995
  13. Designer & Site Manager, Restoration of Diera Old Souk, Dubai 1995
  14. Site Manager, Restoration of Abdallah Ibrahiem House, Dubai 1994
  15. Designer & Site Manager, Reconstruction of Bin Dalmouk Mosque, Dubai 1994
  16. Site Manager, Restoration of Al Ahmadiya School, Dubai 1993
  17. Coordinator, Restoration Design for of Al Mogharblien Monuments, Cairo 1993
  18. Coordinator, Preparation of various researches and reports, Cairo 1993
  19. Consultant, Restoration for 1850-built antiquity Housing Building, Cairo 1993
  20. Coordinator, Consolidations for 1992 Quake-Effected Monuments, Cairo 1992
  21. Team Leader, Survey & Documentation of Al Azhar Mosque, 1992
  22. Coordinator, Restoration Design for Cairo Citadel Phase III, 1992
  23. Coordinator, Restoration of Salih Abu Hadid Mosque, Cairo 1992
  24. Contractor, Restoration of Al Niel Mosque, Cairo 1991
  25. Contractor, Restoration Quotation for Al Ghouri Mosque, Cairo 1991
  26. Contractor, Restoration Quotation for Al Ashrafiya Madrasa, Cairo 1991
  27. Project Engineer, Restoration of Al Mosaferkhana Place, Cairo 1987
  28. Project Engineer, Restoration of wooden roof for Abu Sirja Church, Cairo 1987
  29. Project Engineer, Dewatering for Zewila Church, Cairo 1987
  30. Project Engineer, Bidding for Restoration of Dom of The Holy Rock, Cairo 1987
  31. Site Engineer, Restoration of Sultan Hassan Mosque, Cairo 1986

Sustaining the Built Environment..

The professional mandate of Facilities Management is based on continuous challenges and deliverables. This was rationally developed from M&O activities, and will inevitably evolve into the Town Management, which interprets the urban concepts of Mega-Habitats. FM is not only the art of sustaining our costly built environment; but also as combined with Property Mgmt draw the other sides of Urbanism. While Property Management is one of the oldest trades in our urban history; FM is relatively a young-growing Knowledge Framework; serving not more than 10% of the urban world..!! Therefore, as how it is linked with non-rural-habitat; Urban Facilities evolves as a new definition associating both urbanism and FM. This is how the threshold for the futuristic Town Management evolves as well..

On addressing the Middle East Summit on FM in Dubai-2006; I was really amazed by the impressions received from the audience. I discovered how the gap is great between Clients and Service Providers. Both parties are apart, despite the rationales behind Quality, KPIs and Audits. Therefore, my focus develops on bringing the Stakeholders closer, restructuring FM as a critical catalyst for wellbeing, and empowering the epistemic foundations of the industry. Notably, great efforts had been emerged to fill the gap with brilliant ideas; yet my long term career as a Client Representative would inevitably add value and lots of sense..

On the practical grounds, I had developed my own versions of Life-Cycle, BRE, CSR and ERP to adequately correspond with the service optimization and standards of FM industry. My affiliations to main FM regulatory and professional institutes had enabled me to develop my own personal and professional skills for leadership, management and motivations. Mastering project management had also enabled me to create my approaches for planning, controlling and administration of the service. These skills had collectively enabled mentoring, coaching, training the staff on optimum approaches and performance.

My Property & FM contributions are holistic, strategic and corporate rather than tactical. My competences in Initiation, Governance and Operations are great assets to turn business perspectives into workable realities. I do provide the bridge between Client and Service team; as well as merging the Wish-lists with taste of constructability. This had elevated from the thresholds of space-units, to buildings in TECOM; to community theme in DIFC, and town management in Medini-Malaysia. My simple code says: If FM Initiation went wrong, all parties would suffer, lose, and be crippled..!

The readiness to unconditionally serve; is driven by my passion to learn and share the knowledge. Crossing borders to the others is never new or complex to manage, while my interest to add value wherever assigned is much greater than any personal gains. Age facts are practical support for leadership and mentoring, turning on the roles of incubation, support and confidence…

Philosophies and Realities of Delivery


The diverse technical and managerial expertise had amazingly exposed remarkable multicultural, multipurpose and multidimensional work environments.

The vision on PMO/Portfolio Management (Corporate, Project and Enablers) addresses the grassroots (Scope, Time and Cost) to assure a comfortable success (Performance/Quality) rather than the controversial definitions of both targets and deliverables. On parallel, the advanced managerial themes are extremely effective to elevate the performance:

Firstly; Neo-Director is a Mentor and/or a facilitator rather than an expert. Staffs are the mighty energetic delivery engine; who require continuous incubation, benchmarking, growth, and control.

Secondly; Strategy is set in Synergy to capacities and business/commercial vision; not for quick wins or temporary trends. It sustains the fine balance between visionary propositions and factual statistics.

Thirdly; Board of Directors, Trustees, or Management should solely be a catalyst for corporate growth, business sustainability and transparent accountability. Ideally; the safety gear between Management of Corruption and Corrupted Management.
Fourthly; Urbanism is the Critical Economic Driver; while civic growth is the guardian on scope. The use of Audit and Control tools should associate good governance and Legitimization.

This approach is based on four principles, associated with typical management knowledge zones and practices:

Scope Verification and integration across technical, financial and legal platforms
Delivery Control by conditions precedent, KPIs, and RRM
Procurement Control by procedures enforcing efficiency, compliances and competences
The sacred trio formulas of Legal, Financial and Technical compliances and gauges

During the last few years, both government and business endeavors were packed by eloquent statements; yet could not establish sanctuaries against market extremism and communications violence.

Confronting the Inadequate supply, breaking the cycles of urban frustration, restructure the financial immaturity, and restoring both public and professional confidence; are the imminent road mapping for any strategist, planner and/or executive.
The Management tools are a blessing to assess and motivate the team to deliver, not to suppress and terrorize. Human depth tells how staff are equal, yet some are distinct..


Management in all business and human organization activity is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.

Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933), who wrote on the topic in the early twentieth century, defined management as the art of getting things done through people. She also described management as philosophy. One can also think of management functionally, as the action of measuring a quantity on a regular basis and of adjusting some initial plan; or as the actions taken to reach the intended goal. This applies even in situations where planning does not take place. 

From this perspective, Frenchman Henri Fayol considers management to consist of seven functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Co-ordinating, Controlling, Staffing and Motivating. Towards the end of the 20th century, business management came to consist of six separate branches, namely:

  • Human resource management
  • Operations management or production management
  • Strategic management
  • Marketing management
  • Financial management
  • Information technology management responsible for management information systems

The Procurement Quest

Despite the common perception of procurement as tools to obtain best prices for the intended service or products, the efforts of professional community to elevate the practice is almost fruitful.. Since the World Bank Declaration on Procurement in 1995, both professional and academic syndicates had intensively collaborated with the business one to develop workable frameworks and policies. Today; Procurement Management is wider knowledge zone, with lots of protocols and guidelines that are collectively indispensible for the better performance of business and delivery..

Regretfully, among underdeveloped regimes, political corruption, favoritism and immature administrations are nurturing the incompetence of procurement practices. Both greed and fortune-making are prime causes for procurement misconduction in the developed countries, hidden within many social and cultural patterns.. This is why the political empowerment and enforcement are indispensably critical for proper procurement practices..

Procurement Processing Design and updating are professional necessities rather than optional or temporary practices. Typically, these practices confront many of sociocultural and behavioral obstacles that would only survive by senior management support, corporate culture and CSR framework.

The value of adequate procurement exceeds the PR image of the organizations to their long term productivity, profitability and sustainability. Management of liaising, analysis, associated risks and processing is interpretation of executive competences rather than track records. Eventually; Procurement is not a rocket science, but a rocket launch; therefore, it is a continuous learning curve for both staff and managers.

My own genuine interests in legalities and contracts had enabled me to structure my own versions of professional contract for soft services. The core element was the correlation among scope, delivery and terms of payments, which had particularly corresponded in parallel to the complex development projects.

My professional contributions in procurement were holistic, strategic and tactical. My competences in Procurement Planning, Governance and Delivery were always great assets to turn business perspectives into workable realities. My interests were always about bridging between Scope and Delivery and merging Purpose and Functionality, while securing integrity rather than correct misspells. This had added lots of value for my roles in TECOM & DIFC of Dubai, and Medini of Malaysia.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

So Many Questions..!

Yes; Dubai is an urban phenomenon with many questions to be answered..
Certainly, the petrodollars had provided a big share in making Dubai.. yet; along with skillful traders, peaceful populations and ambitious leadership.. Who were extremely successful to attract Professional Expat, Migrant Professional & Laborers and Business Leaders from allover the world..
Almost no other City could done the same..!

To answer the questions, you need to dig deeper within Dubai and understand the mechanisms that drive it and had made its brand.. There are lots to comprehend behind the stories of pleasure and misery.. 
Not all the fantasies and nor all the suffering are common..

Dubai has the right to explore and build its own learning curve; like any other city.. All metros had sacrifices, losses and achievements across the time and history.. 
Why denying Dubai to learn its own way..?

Dubai's various achievements are notable and unprecedented.. There are also price of all types that commonly known everywhere else.. Glories of open market and trade are coming hand-in-hand with lower layers of earners, who, despite the odds, had found better conditions that are not available in their native communities.. 

Media and Social media are seeking utopian fantasies for many reasons and purposes apart from the fairness for cleaners of restrooms or the helpers in construction sites..!!

It seems many are jealous from Dubai, or envy its glory which they wish to imitate, yet can't.. This the Dubaian Phenomenon that hard to repeat..!

We have to be knowledgeably fair

Video by Adam Something
The worst of urban planning and capitalism, plus some slavery for good measure. Welcome to Dubai, everyone. Check out my Patreon tiers:

Real Estate Cycle

The Real Estate is one of the most vibrant and sensitive among economic industries.. It incubate many details and trade with most industries, yet represents a true Gauge of the economic environment.

Real Estate is the oldest fashion in Mankind history, where owning properties is an expression of wealth and attributed authority and mightiness. Both Authority and Business phenomenon were established on Assets and Properties; which had also synchronized the transformation of Humane civilization from Farm-based into City-based. 

Built-Properties would evolve through fluctuating peaks of appreciation and depreciation of value. This Time-based syndrome had initiated and controlled the behavior of trade and markets, and still do. It represents dreams and realities of the Human-being as an attributes of his life cycle. Therefore, the Real Estate Cycle would replica the Humane one.

Despite the fact that Real Estate is a financial practice, yet it feeds, inspires and affects many industries and trades by it complex and comprehensive supply chain. More than 35% of GDP in any society are linked to Real Estate in a way or another. In addition, the direct human resources in construction industry would exceed 15%.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

معارك الحفاظ على التراث

لعل الحفاظ على التراث هو أحد ميادين المعارك الغير معلنة ، بين قوى الحداثة والتجارة وبين مغاوير الحضارة والتحضر وبرغم بساطة التعبير ، فإن العلماء مشهود لهم إدراك بساطة الابتكار والتراكيب الانسانية أمام تعقد الخلق والمخلوقات والارادة الإلهية ويصعب علي التعبير عن الامتنان لاستاذي الفاضل ، متعه الله تعالى بالصحة والعافية

Perhaps preserving the heritage is one of the undeclared battlefields, between the forces of modernity and trade, and between the guerrillas of civilization and urbanization..
Despite the simplicity of the expression, scholars are known for their awareness of the simplicity of innovation and human structures in front of the complexity of creation, creatures and the divine will..
It is difficult for me to express gratitude to my virtuous professor, May God bless him with good health

Sunday, August 1, 2021

A FM Era..!


It strongly seems we are entering (2020) a MENA era for critical Facilities Mgmt Biz.. Similarly; how it was 15 years ago, an era for (the fading) Project Mgmt Biz.. Both interprets the quest of the ultra-advocacy to form alliances; including the skillful biz-boards of  polarizing professional (supposedly governing) bodies.. 

The banner of bilateral-support-business strategy is not new, and been used by several disciplines.. Yet, vision, rationales and resilience will make the sustainable impacts and differences..

Generally, the current immaturity of Built Environment Sector (BES) is not an easy to disrupt or evolve within few decades.. We have to be patient; yet epistemically, professionally and structurally realize the challenges and gaps in the Body of Knowledge (BOK); if any..!

Are the engineering-affiliated professionals ready for..?

While Construction Delivery is a combined Engineering and Contractual process; the (failed) PM Service should handle both decommissioning of EPC and  commissioning process of FM Service.. This process is not engineering but contractual liabilities; whereas engineering testing and conformity are the feathers..

the (enthusiastic) Integrated FM is more than an engineering service; therefore engineers are just handful of its leadership and populated resources.. However, the lack of a global BOK hurdles the evolution of FM, as no final definition of scope, roles or delivery structures..

Are RE/Property Mgrs ready to lead the evolution as elsewhere..?


N.P.; I understand that Inaya-FM was launched at 2008, lately expanded beyond their contracted 5000 properties..!!

I strongly value the role of ; who had founded and led the Inaya-FM till date.. well done buddy..!

View Nishant Ravindran’s profile

World Heritage Sites 2021


The 44th session of the World Heritage Committee ends today July 31st, and between 2020 and 2021, a total of 33 new properties have been added to the list.
As shown in our chart, Europe is still by far the region with the most UNESCO heritage sites by being home to 503 of either cultural, natural or mixed importance.

After the annual announcement of new sites by the UNESCO board, Italy now boasts 58 world heritage locations.
With this, Italy pulls ahead of China. Formerly head-to-head at 55 properties each, China could only add one site - the Song-Yuan era Emporium of the World in Quanzhou - leading to a total of 56 properties for the country.