Thursday, July 27, 2023

Frozen Music


In the architecture of this 8th century Japanese Pagoda there are several relationships of the Golden Ratio (Phi).

This temple was designed and built carefully so that every detail corresponds to the Golden Ratio of Nature, thus displaying a design aligned with the fractal harmony of the Universe. It is no accident that her beauty is often called "frozen music."
"The good, of course, is always beautiful, and the beautiful never lacks proportion." – Plato
✧ Yakushiji Pagoda, Japan
✦ Image from the book "The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture", by György Doczi

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A Game Changer...


 I do not promote "The Art of Shaping the Metropolis". I think a Metropolitan professional must have it if he is a good professional. No point in promoting it.
Today, however, I received praise about the book from some professionals, I would like to share:
- We recently had the privilege of reading your remarkable book, "The Art of Shaping Metropolis," and we were deeply inspired by the profound insights and expertise you shared within its pages.
“The Art of Shaping Metropolis" masterfully captures the essence of urban environments and showcases the artistry involved in creating sustainable, inclusive, and aesthetically pleasing metropolises.
In the book, you provide insightful analyses and case studies that explore the relationships between urban and rural areas. Your emphasis on the importance of holistic planning and sustainable development resonated with us, as we aim to uncover strategies for fostering balanced growth and equitable resource distribution
We are particularly interested in the book’s approach to how urban-rural linkages impact various aspects such as economic development, infrastructure, transportation, and environmental sustainability. It will greatly contribute to our understanding of these complexities and help us identify effective interventions and strategies for sustainable urban-rural development.
Thank you for the profound impact your book has had on our academic journey. Your exceptional work has inspired us to explore the complexities of urban planning and development, and we sincerely hope to have the opportunity to work with you as we delve into our thesis. -
Hope it clarifies the professional and academic relevance of the book.

Monday, July 10, 2023

إقرار القانون البيئي


صورة لمدينة فينيكس في ولاية اريزونا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (قبل وبعد ) إقرار القانون البيئي
الذي يجبر المقاولين والمطورين العقاريين علئ زراعة
شجرة أمام كل منزل يقومون ببنائه وبحكم أن المدينة
تقع في مناخ صحراوي ودرجة الحرارة تصل ل42
مئوية و مشابه لمناخ جزيرة العرب فتم استقدام اشجار و نخيل من بلدان عربيه
شجرة واحدة أمام منزلك لسلامة رئتك.. وسلامة بصرك .. وسعادة نفسك .. فضلا على انها صدقة جارية .
أزرعوا اشجار
الاشجار تخفض درجة الحرارة
الاشجار تجلب الامطار للبلاد
الاشجار تولد اكسجين نقي لاطفالنا
الاشجار تمتص الضوضاء وعوادم السيارات وتنقي المناخ
الاشجار تمتص الاشعة اللاسلكيه من ابراج الاتصال المسبب للسرطانات
الاشجار ظل ومنظر وراحة نفسية
لو كل منزل يزرع شجرتين ويهتم بيهم كان منظر ومناخ البلاد تغير
معا لتشجير المدن