Both parties would never have the same consensus, delivery or interest..! Regardless how the organization would invest in coordination, training or awareness sessions..!
No wonder that "Engineers" are often labeled as the "Black Goat" of the organization; who no one understands, empathizes or supports..!
The proposed "Matrix" has three domains:
Urban-Biz; which admits the cordial relation between Urbanism and Real Estate Business, as non would flourish without the other. Therefore, their unified exercises will drive the other domains..
Archo-Engineering; which has its own logic, sequences and alignment; and which usually developed in a well recognized historical manner and collective intelligence. However, they have to touch base with other domains to avoid malfunctions, irregulated or unfitness for both construction and operations..
Approval; which interprets the agreed legal and professional frameworks of both organizational and community's governance and welfare road-mapping..
The Six Gates summarize the logical phasing, developing and accumulation of activities with tools to plan, manage and control.. Nevertheless, capturing lessons learned and document the evidences of our humane intelligence..!
Pls, review and share your ideas..