Friday, September 24, 2021

Practical Quiz -2


Your represent a Client's Organization that hosts the progress meetings..

Often; Representative of the Service Provider arrives late to the booked time..

Several notifications were verbally made to honor the venue..

At this occurrence, You and Your Team decided to take an action..

When the Representative of the Service Provider arrives; late as usual; You and Your Team stand up and lift the meeting room; with no eye or talk contact..

  1. Was your action professionally acceptable?
  2. Does such action has contractual consequences?
  3. Why formal actions were not taken before?
  4. Does such action has any leadership sentiments?
  5. Will you repeat the same?

Practical Quiz -1


You are in a time-stressed task..

Received comments from the Client..

Discovered that these comments are controversial and mostly wrong..

You called the Client on the phone..

He verbally accepted your arguments and approved the taken actions..

What is your next action and why?

  1. Notify the Project Sponsor;
  2. Ask e Client to formally approve the actions taken;
  3. Discuss and record in incident the progress meeting;
  4. Formally issue your confirmation on Client’s approval; or
  5. Notify Cost & Schedule Managers to adjust documents..

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tracking Actions

In both project or operations, the amount of complex data to collect, and tasks to report are increasingly bigger with the demands of our urban world. Most of managers and their teams strive for having effective controls and tracking on data of the processing actions.. 

An average project would have few thousands of actions related to hundreds of tasks and correlated to tens of domains. On average daily processing; actions would interpret tasks that are sometimes relatively old; which would require strong memory to recall..

Either classic or new techniques to track the actions are incapable to control and verify each data. In particular, wherever there is an issue that would requires repeated bilateral communications to be concluded. Most issues are like this..

Apparently, the PR2 methodology or the PMI's neueve Agile one would help to manage such dilemma; within cycle of hours or couple of days.. Otherwise, these concerned actions would be practically forgotten..!

Certainly, Ad-hoc communications and daily briefings would enable recalling issues and related processing.. Similarly, deliberate hiding them is also repeatedly done..

Unless there is a way to  generate a Unique Reference Tracking Number of any task, tracking the associated actions shall be a burden and time wasting for any tracker. Often, emails and reports are not attached to such a coding system; but stipulated to the body of each report or document. Reference would only be used if sufficient resources are there to correlate the actions and tasks. Trackers used to relay on their "Personal Memories" to build the case and investigate the responses..

This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) would support and provide an added value. Digitalized documentation shall be easy and tracking would be time and cost effective. Yet, Data Entry techniques would vary among various software algorithms; as most would consider the Soft Skills of the processing staff. Almost, diminish in the flood of data and sophisticated operations..

Despite how Humane Skills are critically important in all activities; the need to know how and administer establishing such Unique Reference Tracking Number (URTN); should be tough and been a part of the syllabus of management for both projects and operations..

The dilemma of generating URTN??

Although it isn't a complex science; yet many professional would find it hard or confusing.. The simple steps would be a great help..

  1. Standardize the typical workflow
  2. Define generic domains, tasks and subtasks
  3. Imagine main and sub processing and actions
  4. Allow for subdivided provisions
  5. Use whatsoever convenient code or number

Then, another dilemma rises: which URTN is going t be used??

All engaged parties would have their reference systems and numbering as well.. However; The Project Manager should imposed his system on the others, and assure that all communications would follow the same.. Otherwise, PM would appear helpless and silly to manage..!


Saturday, September 11, 2021



Scope Management is one of the pillars of PMgmt.. 

SOW defines process, verification and deliverables.. 

However; it is the only domain that almost no literature is there about.. !! 

Anyway, with exposure, experience and extended knowledge; you can build your own consensus on scope, and keep update and upgrade.. 

It is sustainable till closing the project, or the operation..

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Leadership vs. Management


Most modern management literature deals with leadership as a learned skill. While it is not in the natural and practical morals.

Both Natural Selection and Standard Deviations would tell this..

Management is a skill that can be acquired and that can be trained; Therefore, many professionals will end up as managers or bosses..
Only a few can be leaders..

A True Professional Leader is often invisible in processing, a referral on ambiguity, and a reliable team member..

I firmly believe that, couple of decades ago; the Project Management Institute; and later other professional bodies; PMI had launched this initiative of that confusing theme..

There are many variants between Political Leadership and Professional Leadership.. Mix is Risky..

Unfortunately, and most importantly, many professionals and managers; those who fail to be leaders turn into depression, ineffectiveness, and low self-confidence due to the effect of the unspoken self-condemnation..

However, managers can imitate; Whatever they chew. From leadership skills and their applications.. Their direct managers should encourage them to do so..
They don't have to be Leaders..

Amazing.. 3 of the team become CEOs, 3 are Executive Directors, 3 are Senior Executives...
All are Experts in what they do...!

القيادة والادارة

تتعامل معظم أدبيات الإدارة الحديثة مع القيادة كمهارة مكتسبة .. في حين أنها ليست في  الأخلاق الطبيعية والعملية .. ويخبرنا بهذا كلٌ من الانتقاء الطبيعي والانحرافات المعيارية 

الإدارة مهارة يمكن اكتسابها ويمكن تدريبها ؛ لذلك ، سينتهي الأمر بالعديد من المهنيين 
كمديرين أو رؤساء.. قلة فقط يمكن أن يكونوا قادة

القائد المهني الحقيقي يكون غير مرئي عند تسيير الأعمال ، ويكون مرجعية عند التضارب ، ويكون عضو فعّال في الفريق

أعتقد اعتقاداً راسخاً ، أنه قبل عقدين من الزمان ؛ أطلق معهد إدارة المشاريع ؛ ولاحقا الهيئات المهنية الأخرى ؛ هذه المبادرة لهذا المفهوم المُربك

هناك متغيرات كثيرة بين القيادة السياسية والقيادة المهنية ، والتداخل له خطورته

لسوء الحظ ، والأهم من ذلك ، العديد من المهنيين والمديرين ؛ أولئك الذين يفشلون في أن   يكونوا قادة يتحولون إلى الاكتئاب وعدم الفاعلية وضعف الثقة بالنفس بسبب التأثير الخفي لممارسة إدانة ولوم الذات 

ومع ذلك ، يمكن للمديرين التقليد ؛ مما يستسغيون من مهارات القيادة وتطبيقاتها
يجب على مدرائهم المباشرين تشجيعهم على ذلك

ولا يجب أن يكونوا حتماً قادة