Saturday, February 20, 2021

What is GFA??

It is most familiar expression among urbanists and realtors.. which interprets "Gross Floor Area".. Yet, there are many interpretations for it; which confuses the reader, or the learner too..

Simply; GFA is the provided built space that would be used by Humans for their long-hours livelihood; Sleeping, Meeting or Relaxing.. apart from where to Store, Cook or Defect.. 😆😆😆

Calculation would vary as per convenience and rationales of the ruling authority; to include or Not; the controversial spaces; e.g., Terraces, Balconies, Kitchens, etc... 

But for ME, it is where Human would Sleep, Seat or Stay.. (3Ss)

Of course; No-One would stay for long in a bathroom, a Toilet or a kitchen...!!

Therefore; where poverty rules, people forget about Kitchens, Bathrooms or Toilets.. They can use Common (as in Early and Communist housing) or Open Fields (as in poor villages worldwide)

The main value of GFA is Calculating the Permitted Number of the  Inhabitants in any Built Environment.. Which will be interpreted in; 

  • How much required Utilities to be provided, 
  • How much trips they generate to commute to work, 
  • How much Schools, Hospitals, Bakeries or Cemeteries they need,
  • How many Urban Managers, Policemen and other Civic Workers are required to take care of them.. and create the welfare..
  • How many political votes will be in the Elections..
  • and so on....

Regretfully; Most Urban Planner misunderstand the GFA..!!

Realtors business success depends on how little the difference between GFA and BUA (Built up Area).. Meaning that almost what they built is what they lease..

Regulators functional success is ambiguous; where they want to Tax as much as possible of GFA with claims on BUA definition and critical-functionality..

Tenants deal success interprets the less GFA they pay for, while the larger BUA they are permitted to freely use..

The GFA formula fuels the Realty game..!!

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