Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Business Continuity Plan


In my practice; the BCP is the most challenging activity.. Simply; a person is required to have innovative imagination to explore all potential hazards.. Also, it requires a deep understanding of how the emergency responses shall be.. Finally, it should be build in a practical manner to enable implementations.. 

Most of BCP are always shelved, with few (or non) updates; reflecting our deep-unconscious believe that disasters would never happen.. some way or another..!

Years ago; I remember, in a formal visiting Canary Wharf; how a distant multi-story car parking was already fitted to replace a damaged office tower; within few hours for fine-tuning (activating servers, assemble furniture, fixing shatters, etc.).. This was a extremes example of BCP.. Certainly; responding to installation failure is much easy to manage and control...

Therefore, PMgr should have a concern to review, and update..

Business Continuity Plan

Be ready for Emergency, be proactive and create Business Continuity plan (BCP)
What is a Business Continuity Plan?

A business continuity plan (BCP) is a process that outlines the potential impact of disaster situations to business operations. It creates policies that respond to various situations to ensure a business is able to recover quickly after a crisis. The main goal of a BCP is to protect people, property and assets. It also helps position your organization to recover from unexpected business interruptions, property damage, financial impact and even loss of life following an emergency.

5 Benefits of Having a Business Continuity Plan:
1. Your business will be more prepared to handle the unexpected.
2. Your business will have safeguards in place (in addition to insurance).
3. Your business will invest in itself and its ability to bounce back.
4. Your business will have a plan to continue providing acceptable service after the disaster.
5. Your business will better preserve its corporate reputation, image and revenue stream.

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