Thursday, August 11, 2022

Replacing a PMgr..


This slide was designed at 2010.. with recent little fine-tuning.. 

It addresses psychology and the typical scenarios of behaviors and actions in any business environment.. 

It draws a road-map for any "New Guy"; in any industry or category; just with few changes to some words and definitions..

When a decision is made to replace the PMgr of an active project; this is (beside natural causes or upgrading him to a bigger or more critical assignment) often responding to one of three reasons:
1. Failure to deliver as planned;
2. Problematic relations with Stakeholders; or
3. Serious process-misconduct with Authorities..

Certainly, the Management shall be anxious to keep an open-eye on the "New-Guy"; who is probably been nominated by some Senior..

Taking over from another PMgr requires proper understanding of PMgmt Framework and associated roles.. and the Organizational Culture..

The "New Guy" should not underestimate both Old Guards and Quick Wins.. otherwise; he will be shortly replaced again..!!

Old Guards
Old Guards are the supporters of the Gone-PMgr.. Not necessary are his "Mates"; but most staff hate changes and replacements; which means new web of relations and trades that will consume efforts and time.. and luck.. Ce La Vie..!!

The Project Team (Employer, Contractors and Suppliers) will constitute great part of the Old Guards, unless they have bad experience with the "Gone-Guy"

Finally; which is often everywhere; the missing data, updates, documentations and formalities are considered as part of the "Old Guard".. They are simply great hurdles to deliver..

Quick Wins
Quick Wins are the true core of any project: Audit & Compliances; which means a fast compilation of the principle documents.. Usually in any busy projects, documentations will widely be missed; therefore; audit and report on the same; with proper plan to retrieve and comply; will attract serious management attention.. Not necessary to "Point Fingers"; but to anonymously provide autopsy of the Status Que..

Running or updating the SWOT analysis is very critical to safeguard the New Role, by addressing pros, cons, risks, stakeholders, resources, performance, etc.. The how-much is done, the secured road-map is generated..

These activities will also include audit and propose updates on project plan and resources.. 

Going Forward
Once all the above is achieved within the shortest time; probably in a long two-three weeks; the project will run smoothly and achieve its goals.. It inevitably will be intensive and had work to do..!

Final Word..
The PMgmt Team was not mentioned in this brief for many practical and rational reasons.. However, the "New-Guy" has to align them to his proposed plans and actions; regardless the effort required.. This will be the "Circus-Show" of personal and leadership skills.. Simply, PMgmt Team can make it or ... break it..!

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