Thursday, May 30, 2024

C40 Cities’ Report


UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)

Sharing the learnings from C40 Cities’ report: "Achieving a Decarbonised and Climate-Resilient Built Environment".

Now more than ever, we need to intensify our efforts in making cities climate-resilient in the face of the climate crisis unfolding before us.

Here are the key learnings:


- Challenges: Building in hazard-prone areas increases social and financial costs during extreme events.
- Solutions: Implement nature-based solutions like riparian buffers, permeable pavements, and rain gardens.

For example:
- Rio de Janeiro's flood alert system provides early warnings to low-income communities, reducing flood impacts.


- Challenges: Modern designs often neglect local climate conditions, leading to high energy use and increased climate risks.
- Solutions: Use passive design strategies (e.g., natural ventilation, reflective surfaces) and integrate traditional architecture.

- The Eastgate Building in Zimbabwe uses passive cooling inspired by termite mounds, reducing energy use by 90%.


- Challenges: Common materials like concrete and steel have high carbon footprints and contribute to climate risks like urban heat islands.
- Solutions: Use sustainable materials such as mass timber, engineered bamboo, and recycled steel.

- Base Bahay in the Philippines constructs affordable, resilient bamboo homes, reducing emissions by 74%.

To read the full report, search for "Achieving a Decarbonised and Climate-Resilient Built Environment"

Image from Midjourney: bird's eye view of a climate-resilient city

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