Monday, June 3, 2024

An Error, or a Decline..?


The key characteristic of the developing countries is their hyper real estate dreams, projects and transactions. Yet, mostly experiencing massive problems due to late identification of wrong planning, funds and/or operations.

The following would summarize the standard case, which would slightly change on features, yet consistent in core and seeds:
1. Rapid Developments; which are either to supply, anaesthetize, or hypnotize the stressed public.

2. Troubled or invalidity competences of assigned planning and delivery teams, where as basis of knowledge, professionalism and skills are questioned.
3. Immature, powerless, speechless, ineffective governing bodies and NGOs, which are the true guardians of urbanity.

4. General disintegrated governments, authorities and stakeholders, who should mastermind the urban planning and delivery activities.

This is why wrong urban delivery shall not be an error, but a decline..!!

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