Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Planning Potential Exit

Certainly; delivering and closing the project is the best Exit that any Project Manager would dream of; but...
Exit is not not the natural end of the endeavor; it is the forcible closure; which may happen during the period..
Thankfully; there are many symptoms that would warn the PMgr for the declining situation to take the necessary actions..
Yet; it should be part of the strategy, progress monitoring and KPIs that regularly checked and assessed by the PMgmt Team..

PRINCE2 (PR2) has the built-in mindset and culture to process the Exit; with much better preparedness than PMBOK.. Most of the times, the Exit will be a conclusion of ad-hoc communications rather than formal KPIs.. It is the magic of the Top Management to sense the dangers and initiate the assessment and accept the recommendations for appropriate actions..

When the project is on the planning drawing board; Business Climate, Strategies and Risk alerts should be configured and set for action as early as possible..  PMgr should not accept the assignment without debating this files; unless loving the blames and various consequences, including losing his title..

The above diagram is just initiation for further details to be drawn and comprehensively digested by the PMgmt Team during the planning stage..

In Construction, the most exit processing happen at the Exit-3 Group; whereas the project is exposed to most activities, duration, costs and also dramatic deliveries.. PMgmt Team should invest good time and efforts to breakdown the potential events and draw the corresponding recoveries accordingly..

Exit is not different or replacement of Risk.. Both are almost the same function, yet with different scope... Exit is a forcible closing of activities; legally, functionally and financially.. while Risk is events that required attention, recovery and alignment, while the project is ongoing..

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