Monday, June 28, 2021

Generic Processing

Facilities Management has few basic terminologies, while allowing for the national fields to adopt what is easy to learn and understand.. However, it is healthy as it support innovation and development of staff and operational culture..

However, there are some parameters for expressions and definitions as per the category of the issue.. If Contractual; e. g., Contracts, SLA, Quality Manual.. Also, if Operational; such as Planning, Ops. Manuals, KPIs..

It was predicted 10 years ago that FM industry will top US$ 400 billion by 2030; considering the real estate and property boom across the GCC countries.. Therefore, it is important and critical to establish and support the Industry Culture and perspectives..

Unfortunately, on basic level; there are confusion between FM Preventive and Corrective Actions; PAX vs. CAX.. which grow by inefficient skills and certificate-to glow attitudes.. Organizing bodies and corporates should allow for wider venues for staff learning and development; which will add greater value for both operations and revenues..

The above graphic simplifies the strategic and tactical relations among PAX and CAX; and their interaction to Corporate structure and liabilities..

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Property: When to Buy..?


Real Estate is the most Delusive Business

Baron Rothschild, an 18th-century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that:

"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

He should know. Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. But that's not the whole story. The original quote is believed to be "Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own."

This is contrarian investing at its heart--the strongly held belief that the worse things seem in the market, the better the opportunities are for profit.

Most people only want winners in their portfolios, but as Warren Buffett warned, "You pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus." In other words, if everyone agrees with your investment decision, it's probably not a good one.

Going Against the Crowd

Contrarians, as the name implies, try to do the opposite of the crowd. They get excited when an otherwise good company has a sharp but undeserved drop in share price. They swim against the current and assume the market is usually wrong at both its extreme lows and highs. The more prices swing, the more misguided they believe the rest of the market to be. (For more on this, read "Finding Profit In Troubled Stocks.")

Saturday, June 26, 2021

21 Roles of Contracts Manager

by: Tarek Samir

Commercial, Contract and Claim Manager 🇪🇬 Arbitrator and Engineering Expert


The Contract Manager

مدير العقود ، منصب هام وحساس جداً جداً لأي شركة مقاولات ، ودوره مؤثر جداً جداً بالسلب أو بالإيجاب نحو أرباح عقد المقاولة.

من المهام الأساسية والحيوية لمديري العقود بشركات المقاولات ، تبدأ قبل توقيع العقد ثم أثناء توقيع العقد وتستمر فترة تنفيذ العقد إلى مرحلة التسليم النهائي للمشروع وغلق العقد.


قبل توقيع العقد

يقوم مدير العقود المحترف الذي يعمل مع المقاول بدراسة شروط العقد  وشروط الكفالات البنكية والنظر فيها بعمق مثل لاعب الشطرنج المحترف ، يفكر ويقرأ ويتعرف على كل ما هو معروض أمامه ، وتراه عيناه؟ وما هو خلف ما أمامه ، وما يستنبطه بفطنته وبخبرته؟. يقرأ بصيغة: ماذا لو؟ حتى يتفادى المواقف الممكن حدوثها والمسببه لخلافات ونزاعات مستقبلية محتملة.

1: يقرأ بتأني ، يقرأ كل كبيرة وصغيرة ، يقرأ الكلمات والجمل والفقرات والبنود والأبواب ، يقرأ الفاصلة بين الجمل والكلمات ، ويقرأ النقطة بين الجمل وفي نهاياتها. يقرأ حروف العطف وحروف الجر ، يقرأ الفقرات الإلزامية والفقرات الإختياريه ويتعرف على من له سلطة الإختيار ، يقرأ كل مستندات التعاقد ، حرف حرف ، وجملة جملة ، وفقرة فقرة ، وباب باب.

Review and Verify Contract Terms and Conditions and Bonds

2:️ يستشف المخاطر المستقبلية المرتبطة وبالتكلفة والوقت ما بين السطور.

Identify Potential Cost and Time Risk

3: يتحسس وجود ألغام تعاقدية ضمنية داخل بنود العقد أو داخل جمله بأحد البنود قد تصنع نزاعات مستقبلية.

Search for Implicit Clauses

4: يتوقف عند العبارات الغامضة.

Stops at Ambiguity in Text

5: ويطلب توضيح عنها لتفادي خسائر مالية ونزاعات قد تأتي من ورائها.

Issues Tender Queries

6: يبحث، مع فريق المشروع ، عن التضارب بين المستندات

Search for Discrepancy in Documents

7️: يتأكد من وجود أولوية للتقيد بالمستندات في حالة التضارب الغير مكتشف قبل توقيع العقد.

Confirm the priority of Documents

8️: يبحث عن من سيفعل ماذا؟ وكيف؟ ومتى؟

Identify the Scope of Work

9: يقوم بتقديم مقترحات تعديل العقد وفقاً لما يراه غير منصف أو يحمل غموض

Suggest and Redraft the unfair or ambiguate Clauses

10: يقوم بالتفاوض مع ممثل المالك للموافقة والإتفاق على مقترحات تعديل العقد

Negotiate and agree upon the required re-wording with the Employer's representative

----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ------

أثناء توقيع العقد

1️1: يتأكد أن العقد يتضمن كل ما تم الإتفاق عليه

Make sure all agreed re-wording has been accommodated in the final Contract draft

Thursday, June 24, 2021

When Illustration Goes Wrong..!!

Think-tanks, organizing institutes and accrediting bodies are not tolerated when it comes to promote frameworks or platforms among practitioners. 

Much of the practitioners have no capacities to envision, advocate or debate the epistemic foundations of concepts or empirical practices. 

Practitioners, especially the young ones, would take both descriptions and verdicts for granted; without any doubts about how correct or ideal they are. 

When a such bodies would go wrong; many practitioners would follow, and unlikely be able to correct their own mindset once driven in a certain direction.

This illustration does not interpret the actual practice in project management, as: 

(1) Initiation starts earlier than the project, 

(2) No stand-alone staging in the practice, 

(3) All activities are overlapped and collaborated, 

(4) All activities would almost come to an end at the final close of the project, except Initiation, and 

(5) Each stage has its own phases within the framework.

Accordingly; Efforts and Time were incorrect to illustrate..!!

Below; The example illustrates how wrong the author had gone and how many practitioners would the PMI Illustration..!

The Champs-Élysées Will Become an Urban Garden

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

At Interviews...


  • Do NOT offer your personal stories; Employers are NOT a family, NOR a charity
  • Do NOT tell about processing a parallel Vacancy, Employers seeks early Loyalty
  • Do NOT be overwhelming Confident; You are NOT the only one out there
  • Do NOT attempt to exceed Expectations; You do NOT know them yet
  • Do NOT show all at once; Bosses like pleasant skillful surprises

Friday, June 18, 2021

Paradox of Urban Practice

Urban regulations and bylaws interpret the public culture and value of livelihood of the end-users and stakeholders.. Regulations should not create such a culture; even in events of neglection or carelessness.. Such a paradoxical failure is common among all developing communities, whereas urban democracy is absent or suffocated by authorities and ill-professionals.. Change is a must; starting by revising accreditation of graduates and practitioners..

تفسر اللوائح والأنظمة الحضرية الثقافة العامة وقيمة سبل العيش للمستخدمين النهائيين وأصحاب المصلحة .. وينبغي ألا تخلق اللوائح مثل هذه الثقافة ؛ حتى في حالات الإهمال أو عدم الاهتمام .. مثل هذا الفشل المتناقض شائع في سائر المجتمعات النامية ، بينما الديمقراطية الحضرية غائبة أو تختنق من قبل السلطات والمهنيين السيئين .. التغيير أمر لا بد منه البدء بمراجعة اعتماد الخريجين والممارسين

Calculating a Bid

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Revival of Heritage

Ordinary People Volunteers for Warsaw Revival 1945

It is all about Volunteering not Paid

Engaging the people in revival of heritage at post trauma times, is much successful whenever people feel that the heritage is their own property. Despite heritage conservation is not politically or ideology driven, but this is the simple gauge of urban democracy or autocracy. In many countries people are just observant of the reconstruction efforts; in contrary to others where the process had solely functioned by people. Failed urban democracy defuse any effectiveness of social mobilization of the public. I do value the concurrent UNESCO Clubs moves; which restore and retain the heritage to the common.

المؤشر هو التطوع وليس الإجارة

إن إشراك الناس في إحياء التراث في أوقات ما بعد الصدمة ، يكون ناجحًا كثيرًا عندما يشعر الناس أن التراث هو ملكهم الخاص. على الرغم من أن الحفاظ على التراث لا يجب أن يكون مدفوعًا سياسيًا أو أيديولوجيًا ، إلا أن هذا هو المقياس البسيط للديمقراطية الحضرية أو الاستبداد. في العديد من البلدان ، الناس ملتزمون فقط بمشاهدة جهود إعادة الإعمار ؛ على عكس الآخرين حيث كانت العملية تعمل بجهود الناس فحسب. ان فشل الديمقراطية الحضرية في إفشال أي فعالية للتعبئة الاجتماعية للجمهور. ولعلي أقدر التحركات المتزامنة لأندية اليونسكو. التي تعيد للجماهير ملكية الحفاظ على التراث.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Eight Principles for Teleworking


Principle 1       Purpose and Vision: The primary purpose of a digital agency should be to promote the wellbeing of people living in Japan. At the very least, it should help free people from cumbersome bureaucracy so they can more easily use their free time the way they want. Second, improved administrative efficiency and data collaboration will help drive economic growth and longevity.

Principle 2       Concept: The digital agency should not become a systems outsourcer for the public sector, meaning other ministries, agencies, and municipalities. Rather, it should serve as the public sector’s CTO and chief architect for the digitalization project. The administration should communicate with each department as it sets budgets and wields authority for key issues in digitalization, and should implement reforms with firm resolve.

Principle 3       Staff: The back end, at the very least, for the overall system should be developed by full-time software engineers working for the agency. Doing otherwise would make ongoing daily updates and improvements too difficult. It will require a review of the makeup and staffing levels of the civil service to increase the number of professional engineers. It would also be best if the secretary came from an engineering background.

Principle 4       System Architecture: Government systems should be loosely coupled, and need a balance between integration and distribution. Essentially, the core of the value provided by the back end should be built using a system or cloud common to the whole public sector. Without this in place, every part of the public sector is digitalizing in a different way, and thus we get the current situation of “digital defeat.”

Principle 5       Laws and Regulations: One of the causes of the current “digital defeat” is tying down our systems with laws. Once a system is made to meet the purpose and vision, and a simple UI designed for the public sector, then these facets can be set into law. This can become a hard solution to the problem of excessive regulation, as long as it is based on the principle of local autonomy. The national administration and local governments should coordinate in a way that preserves the latter’s administrative, system, and data autonomy.

Principle 6       Checks and Balances: In light of the March 2008 Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of Juki Net, the network linking Basic Resident Registers nationwide, and in consideration of the wartime regime, the authority and autonomy of the Personal Information Protection Commission should be reinforced to ensure the proper governmental use of centralized public systems and data and to enhance governance over the Digital Agency.

Principle 7       Organizational Culture: Do not fear failure. The key to digitalization is a PDCA cycle including pursuit of overwhelming user experience (convenience), speedy development, and data utilization. Small failures must be expected for continuous improvement in development and use. We must accept failure as the seed of evolution, and society as a whole, including both the media and users themselves, should accept them as well.

Principle 8       Staffing: Revolving door policies. Since the global trend of digitization is being spearheaded by the private sector, staff should be actively recruited from that sector. This means that salaries for all staff, including the bureaucrats, need to be set at private-sector levels to ensure the best staff can be recruited. The revolving door should move quickly to prevent any undue collusion between the public and private sectors. Private-sector involvement should be actively promoted in front end development.

Kawabe Kentarō

President and CEO of Z Holdings. Born in 1974 in Tokyo. Graduate of Aoyama Gakuin University. Founded the Internet startup Dennōtai in 1995 while still at university. After managing Yahoo News, became vice-president of Yahoo Japan in 2012 and president in 2018. Has held his current role since October 2019.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Bell Syndrome


Despite the theory was originally designed to measure the IQ of the people and determine how some people are gifted; yet it is applied to many industries, aiming to establish relations among the outcomes; on a natural, none controlled behaviors. 

Specifically; to measure the activities; which include human elements and inputs; and their perception, actions and reactions to the events.

I remember once read; among each 200,000 capita there is only one is Profoundly Genius or Gifted..!

What IQ means?
intelligence quotient
IQ stands for intelligence quotientIQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities and potential. They're designed to reflect a wide range of cognitive skills, such as reasoning, logic, and problem-solving.28 Jan 2020

Here Is The Highest Possible IQ And The People Who Hold The World Record

The highest IQ possible in the world is theoretically 200, although some people have been known to have an IQ of above 200. Let’s discuss how that’s possible below.

Everyone with an IQ score higher than 110 is lucky enough to have an above average intelligence. But there are select individuals with the fortune of much higher IQ scores. Only a minority of people are able to score higher than 110 on an IQ test, which makes it easy to identify the true geniuses in our society (according to this test).

Some of these exceedingly smart people are better known to the general public than others, I’m sure you’ve heard of Albert Einstein and his incredibly high IQ but have you heard of Christopher Hirata? These lesser-known individuals deserve recognition and that’s what we hope to do here.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination Albert Einstein

Who Are The People Holding The World Record For High IQ?

The person with the highest IQ ever recorded is Ainan Celeste Cawley with an IQ score of 263. The list continues as follows with the highest possible IQ:

  • Ainan Celeste Cawley (IQ score of 263)
  • William James Sidis (IQ score of 250-300)
  • Terence Tao (IQ score between 225 and 230)
  • Marilyn Vos Savant (IQ score of 228)
  • Christopher Hirata (IQ score of 225)
  • Kim Ung-Yong (IQ score of 210)
  • Edith Stern (IQ score over 200)
  • Christopher Michael Langan (IQ score between 190 and 210)
  • Garry Kasparov (IQ score of 194)
  • Philip Emeagwali (IQ score of 190)
  • Judit Polgar (IQ score of 170)
  • Albert Einstein (IQ score between 160 and 190)
  • Stephen Hawking (IQ score of 160)

What Is IQ?    

Back in 1916, the American psychologist Lewis Madison Terman (1877-1956) developed the intelligence quotient or IQ. At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. The first mass IQ test was taken by US soldiers during World War I.

The original scale of IQ scores, as devised by Terman, proposes several different classifications.

Alfred Binet invented the first intelligence test. Credit: public domain / Wikimedia

MPln Process Flow

The Role of Master Planning Project Management is not clear.. This is fact..!

This illustration is about Managing a Micro-Limited Action Plan..

There are few differences between scope and deliverables for both of Development Project and Master Planning Project.. However, such distinction shall be minimize when proper and standard project management methodologies and techniques are applied..

It is all about CONTROL.. of course with comprehension..

Despite how Infrastructure Engineering is critical to make the master plan functioning and the urban development is habitable; the compliances of infrastructure to theme and architecture of the master plan is unquestionable.. Infrastructure is here to support the purpose of the master plan, therefore, coordination, innovation and efficiency are the parameters..

The Client Consent is important, not only to manage the project, but to comply with the complex real estate modeling that master planning is aiming to serve.. Certainly; the graphics of the master planning is critical to today's real estate marketing; which is relatively costly and time consuming..

Finally, the roles of the Civic Utilities Providers are concerned to both city and national infrastructure; which make their verdicts the most critical for the master planning project to evolve and later close..

These are the initiation of the project management portfolio for managing the master plan; enabling easiness to draw scope, schedule, communications, risks and deliverables..

SOS = Sign off Sheet
PMP = Project Management Plan

Friday, June 4, 2021

Power Supply in Nepal..!


Apparently; it is a legacy..

Once Upon a Time; a Telephone-Tower in Stockholm, Sweden.

Car Challenges


Dead time in traffic jams is calculated in low-income countries at $ 4 / Hour, and in high-income countries at $ 16 / Hour;
Metropolises in developed countries spend between 30 and 40 minutes accessing work;
In Madrid the trips to work are 22 km. It takes 25 minutes;
Mumbai: 2.30 am. If that time were reduced to 1.00 hour, Mumbai GDP would rise by 25%. It is the damage that a bad administrative management produces on the citizens;
Pedro B. Ortiz

To reduce the challenge; Make it uneasy or convenient to drive a car during weekdays; including, but not limited too; 

  • Availability of parking, 
  • Availability of many lanes, 
  • Providing double direction roads, 
  • CBD's locations of large commercial developments, 
  • Unreachable public transport, 
  • Appealing status of public transport, 
  • Harshly carbon tax, 
  • Harshly urban tax on vehicles, 
  • etc.. Just imagine..!

TODs can't serve the 15 minutes-walk (800m); which will not be satisfactory.. or increase the light informal modes e.g., Tok-Tok, Boda-Boda, Motosi, Gojek, Grab; which became an urban-transmitted-disease across developing and poor countries.. Certainly; we have a problem..!